22 juillet 2019 - FARE participe au XVe Cell Wall Meeting

22 July 2019 - FARE participated to XVth Cell Wall Meeting

Cell Wall Meeting which took place at Cambridge, United Kingdom is one of the largest meetings dedicated to the synthesis and transformation of plant cell walls.

Yassin Refahi, researcher, and Aya Zoghlami, PhD student, at FARE laboratory, presented their research at this meeting gathering nearly 300 scientists from all over the world. Two poster presentations included a quantitative multi-scale study of the effect of dilute acid pretreatment on poplar samples as a lignocellulosic biomass model system by Aya and a quantitative 4D(space + time) imaging pipeline of poplar samples during enzymatic hydrolysis by Yassin.

Yassin Refahi and Aya Zoghlami also gave a talk at the Sainsbury Laboratory, a world leading research laboratory conducting research on plant growth and development and discussed with members of  Professor Henrik Jönsson group members the quantitative methods developed at FARE laboratory to elucidate the mechanisms behind lignocellulosic biomass recalcitrance.

Contact: Yassin Refahi, yassin.refahi@inra.fr

Modification date : 06 June 2023 | Publication date : 18 July 2019 | Redactor : Y. Refahi / G. Paës